Thursday, May 11, 2017

Commentary on "What to do when it's harder than you thought?

I chose my fellow classmates blog "What to do when it's harder than you thought?" and felt more informed after reading it. I have found myself agreeing with the blog to where it shows how Trump has held up since he has become president, and the little he has done or accomplished since doing so. Even more so, how he didn't realize how hard it would be once he won, and that he stated "this is more work than my previous life."

That last statement to me is just alarming to say the least. As my classmate Kelli states, our president needs to lead our nation by example, and not be all talk per say. Of course leading the nation is one of the hardest jobs there is, and so I believe President Trump should of really taken account of that before he decided to run for office. He should of always had the mindset that everything would be more chaotic and more perplexed once he took office, and that it's a huge responsibility for our nation.

I think overall Kelli explained his first 100 days in office beautifully, and that our president needs to really step it up and take responsibility for everything he said he was going to try and fulfill, and that hopefully he sees it through because our nation needs to be in the best hands possible to get us back on track.