Wednesday, February 8, 2017

On Monday February 6th, 2017 Houston Chronicle published an article about Texas Police failing to follow the law that requires them to report shooting incidents. In this article, the headline speaks for itself, and gets straight to the point of the unsettling facts of a law that should be abided by, but is being severely overlooked.

At least 14 Texas law enforcement agencies are failing to report both civilian shootings and or deaths, as well as officer shootings and or deaths.  As shootings should be reported within 30 days under the law which was established in 2015, there is still currently no consequences for violators. While most shootings that result in injuries or death are being reported, there is still several not being accounted for, and the legislator who authored the reform hopes to change that with putting penalties in place for those failing to do so.

This is so eye opening not only for me to read as I was unaware of this currently happening to civilians or officers all within our law enforcement system, but I think for all others would find interest to be informed of this issue. I'm pleased to see the legislator trying to ensure that repercussions are put upon those who don't obey this law.

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