Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women's Day

After reviewing the different blogs, I stumbled upon one from Think Progress about International Woman's Day. The commentary in the Blog by Immigration reporter Ester Yu His Lee is directing this specifically to women all over our country.

International Women's Day in a nutshell, is women everywhere take off from their jobs, to shop only at women-only or minority-owned businesses, and wear red in solidarity. They want to send a message to others about women's power in society and women's rights. But, while thousands, if not million of women can participate and skip out on work, there are millions of women that depend heavily on their paychecks to provide for family, bills, and could risk being fired if absent and therefore cannot attend.

A particular woman she mentions is named Maricela. She is an illegal immigrant who has to provide for her family back home in Mexico, and can't attend the event today due to missing even one day of work could jeopardize her families finances. She said she is in fear of Trump and does not feel safe due to all the possible deportation going on right now. I do find myself agreeing with the author and Maricela in the article on how Trump is putting fear in all of the immigrants in America with his recent actions, because all that a lot of these people are trying to do is just work and make a living for their family here in the United States. I can only hope that we can strive more to work together for the sake of our country.

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