Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Planned Parenthood

I found a really informative editorial in the Los Angeles Times regarding the ongoing crusade against Planned Parenthood. I was not familiar with this topic in the government right now, so it was very eye opening. The bill is essentially set up to try and defund Planned Parenthood financially.

I consider myself a Republican, but I in no way agree with this bill that they are trying to pass. Absolutely every woman out there needs preventative care for things such as cervical cancer screenings, breast examinations and so forth, Health insurance can be costly and in this case, the federal government, and healthcare providers such as Medicaid, help make these services affordable for low-income individuals. Now, before disagreeing with this, I did assume at first the federal funding covered abortions there as well, and I personally am against abortions. Although after seeing that the federal dollars in no way covers that, it made me rethink the bill, and in turn I thoroughly disagreed with it. I hope Planned Parenthood can continue to be federally funded and can help woman everywhere be cautious in their health and proactive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am surprised when I saw you choosing the same topic as me and took an opposite stand. I can understand your support for Planned Parenthood because Planned Parenthood still offers a lot of healthcare service beside abortion service. You also mention about your identification as an anti-abortionist, and so am I. My point is, why is Planned Parenthood the one being funded? There are a lot of different clinics that can also offer woman health care services, which qualifies for Medicaid but does not offer abortion service. I would like the Federal Government to relocate the funding from the Planned Parenthood to these clinical facilities. With these funding, I believe these facility can also expand their clinic to rural area and eventually replace Planned Parenthood.