Thursday, April 13, 2017

Maternity Leave

I chose the blog Paid Maternity Leave as I absolutely agree with the statement made regarding expecting mothers having to go on maternity leave, and not getting paid for that time off depending on the employer. I heavily believe that a law needs to be set in place that requires all employers to grant their employees at least 6 weeks paid leave, or up to the 12 weeks stated in the blog referenced. 

Trump indeed has expressed his plans to help women with the issue of childcare in America and still states that he supports six weeks of paid leave for mothers. His plan would give women whose employers don't offer paid leave the ability to collect six weeks of unemployment when they have a child. And according to the Labor Department, only 14% of civilian U.S. workers have access to paid parental leave.

So, with the author of the referenced blog, I truly hope President Trump does stand by his work and hope we can reform a better system of making sure all expecting mothers are taken care of, and are able to raise their children without having the immense stress of having to figure out how to make ends meet financially, and focus on the most important thing: FAMILY. 

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